« Un incendiaire, dangereux pour la démocratie » : le duc d’Anjou se paie Jean-Luc Mélenchon

« Un incendiaire, dangereux pour la démocratie » : le duc d’Anjou se paie Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Haro sur Mélenchon ! Le prince Charles-Philippe d’Orléans n’a pas supporté les propos de Jean-Luc Mélenchon sur la « créolisation » de la France. Et part en croisade contre le leader LFI. On se doutait que la ligne politique de La France insoumise n'était pas la tasse de thé du prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans… Mais trop c'est trop : le cousin germain du comte de Paris a décidé de mettre l'armure et monter au créneau pour sauver « l'héritage capétien ». « Mélenchon est un incendiaire, dangereux pour la démocratie et l'avenir de notre grande nation », tonne-t-il sur son site Internet. « Il est temps de dénoncer ces prises de position qui cherchent à effacer nos racines au nom d'une idéologie déconnectée des réalités. » Ce qui fait bouillir le sang bleu du duc d'Anjou : les derniers propos du leader de La France insoumise, à l'université de Toulouse le vendredi 31 janvier. Devant les étudiants, Jean-Luc Mélenchon a défini une nouvelle fois les contours d'une « nouvelle France », évoquant un pays en mutation, rejetant la « France du passé qui n'est plus là », terreau du conservatisme à ses yeux. « La ruralité qu'on nous jette à la figure n'existe pas. Elle n'est plus peuplée de paysans comme autrefois », a jugé le patron des Insoumis. Et de revenir sur un thème qui lui est cher, celui de « la créolisation » du pays, à savoir un mélange bénéfique des cultures, contre une « France figée ». « Il y en a assez de passer son temps à faire l'apologie de la tradition, a déclaré l'Insoumis. Pourquoi ne pas parler de l'autre tradition humaine, celle qui est qu'on se mélange, qu'on avance, qu'on fait surgir sans arrêt des idées nouvelles de la rencontre… » Et de tacler au passage le Premier ministre sur le thème de l'immigration : « Oui, Monsieur Bayrou, il y a un grand remplacement. Ce grand remplacement est celui d'une génération qui vient après l'autre et qui ne ressemblera jamais à la précédente. » Les « discours destructeurs » de Mélenchon Une vision condamnée par le prince Charles-Philippe, descendant du roi Louis-Philippe, qui régna de 1830 à 1848. « La France mérite mieux que ces discours destructeurs, écrit-il dans sa tribune. La France n'est pas un assemblage fortuit de populations et de cultures, mais une construction patiente, héritée des Capétiens, consolidée par des siècles de continuité et de transmission. Ceux qui veulent la dénaturer au nom d'un mondialisme sans repères trahissent son passé et compromettent son avenir. » Et de fustiger le regard de « mépris » de Mélenchon sur la France rurale, « comme si la France des provinces et des clochers n'avait pas été l'épine dorsale de notre histoire ». « Cette attitude élitiste est non seulement injuste, mais elle divise également notre nation en stigmatisant ceux qui perpétuent nos traditions. » Ce n'est pas la première fois que le prince Charles-Philippe fait entendre sa voix sur des questions sociales ou politiques. Alors que la famille d'Orléans, héritière du trône de France, est plutôt du genre discrète, le duc d'Anjou n'hésite pas à mettre les pieds dans le plat pour défendre valeurs et traditions. Il s'était ainsi fait remarquer l'été dernier en partageant sa « honte » après la cérémonie d'ouverture des JO, qu'il jugeait « médiocre » et « blasphématoire ». Et sa récente sortie contre Mélenchon montre qu'il n'a pas l'intention de ranger l'épée au fourreau… Par Marc Fourny, pour Le Point : https://www.lepoint.fr/politique/un-incendiaire-dangereux-pour-la-democratie-le-duc-d-anjou-se-paie-jean-luc-melenchon-04-02-2025-2581505_20.php


Hello. I find it convenient making posts here. Thank you guys. Can i have another reco for event stylist near our area. We like the usual Simple Elegant Affordable HAHAHA 120 to 150k budget meron pa kaya na ganun? Thank you so much

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

My theory is that she is an actor cause there is no way that someone can act the way she does!

What do you think about intergenerational entrepreneurship? (I will not promote)

Creating startups with someone who has a lot more experience (or vice versa) is becoming more and more a thing nowadays. What do you think about it? If I’ve got an idea but my job takes up too much time, should I build my startup with a student/graduate?

Confusion between Indigo and Turkish Airlines codeshare

Hi, I am planning to book following flight from BOM TO SFO via Istanbul. I see that both flights are operated via Turkish Airlines but when I tried to find the flight numbers on Turkish Airlines website, it does not show TK 4103 or TK 4271. If I book following itinerary, does it mean both the flights will be operated by Turkish Airlines and not the Indigo. ![img](eqb9jvc8tahe1)

The Village of Hommlet: Trader's Establishment (25x32)[ART]

Bobbie Gentle and HiPP HA

I’m trying to transition from EBF to EFF for my 8 month old. I’ve been combo feeding 1oz formula in a bottle of breast milk. I ordered HiPP HA and Bobbie Gentle. He used to have MSPI. I decided to try the Bobbie Gentle first, but my little guy hates it. Even 1oz in a 5oz bottle of breast milk makes him gag and scream then he gets horrible gas. I tried the HiPP HA and he wasn’t gagging and screaming or gassy but I do feel yucky about buying it from a 3rd party vendor. Are there other formulas I should try? Does anyone else buy HiPP online and have positive stories? I mostly read about why we shouldn’t do this and I’m having a hard time deciding what is best for my baby.

Jellicent Misprint?

Found an old Brother MFC-215C. Anything to do with it other than trash?

Chi interpreta con foto?

Crosspost source test for 05/2/2025 10:34:56


Focus and flow made easy—Opera Air, the browser for mindful, balanced browsing

Focus and flow made easy—Opera Air, the browser for mindful, balanced browsing

Spring Drop?

WHen does the first spring (or pre-spring?) drop arrive?

Damn Deni

Bro just wanted to be trash asf when I pick him lol

"> Bro just wanted to be trash asf when I pick him lol

How to reduce the amount of noise in RAW files

![img](cigbp0tgtahe1) ![img](zv2351tgtahe1) Heya I'm still relatively new to proper photography and was wondering how on earth do you reduce the amount of noise you get in RAW file images? Every photo I take just has insane amounts of it and I feel gross having to use AI to reduce it before actually editing any of my photos every time.

The UN Recruitment Process A Glimpse Into the Twilight Zone

Ah yes, the infamous UN recruitment process: where your resume is one click away from being lost in a black hole and your cover letter is so customized it looks like a template! 😂 You’ve got a 50/50 shot of impressing HR, but don’t forget - 90% of the candidates are basically clones. May the best "To Whom It May Concern" win! 🙃

Curious if they'll make outriders 2

Big fan of the game, sucks they abandoned it. So much potential for that game... will they ever pick back up onit or outriders 2? What's your thoughts...

When to apply for naturalization?

I am planning to apply for Naturalization. I am a resident since 2017 but was out of the US from Jan 2020 to Aug 2020 due to COVID (8 months). I came back Aug 8 2020. When should I start my application for naturalization? I have read that earliest I can apply is 4years and 6months after my new established Day 1 which would be Feb 8 2025, but in the instructions for filling up N-400, early filing should be at least 90 days before the 5 year mark which would be May 8 2025. Side note: I have been going on short vacations out of the country since coming back but not more than a month at a time. When should I start my application? Thanks in advance.

What happened to Jeep values in a month. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Carvana update. Granted I pass any used car dealer or Jeep dealer and they are overstocked with Wranglers but yikes. 😳

"> Carvana update. Granted I pass any used car dealer or Jeep dealer and they are overstocked with Wranglers but yikes. 😳

Ipad 10th gen 8gb ram?

![img](wsdbs33lsahe1) Hello, I have a question, our biggest (Czech) eshop offers iPad 10th gen (2024) which they claim has 8GB ram. it is roughly 13EUR more expensive than iPad 2022 ... the normal one. The support claims it is correct information, however I didnt find such product elsewhere. Is this a mistake, are they trying to scam people? Note that this eshop has good reputation, very good quality service for local standards and never had troubles with returning polity. They are no the ones who need to scam people. So they have all 4 colors of ipad 2022, and all 4 colors of this socalled ipad 2024 with 8gb ram. Even the apple specials in comments replied to some question saying "we confirm that the description says it has 8gb ram" I have asked the seller in chat and they said "it will take a while to investigate".

Need Advice: A doctor prescribed us a drug that's not FDA-registered

How should I go about a dermatologist who prescribed and sold us the non-FDA-registered medicine: Ninazol (oral ketoconazole)? The doctor is reputable; so imagine my surprise when I was looking for generic drug alternatives and found out that the drug we were sold is not registered to the FDA. See: FDA Advisory No.2021-1793 These were pretty expensive. And no, I couldn't find any alternative brand of oral ketoconazole in any drug store here. In fact, there are no oral ketoconazole drugs registered to the FDA. Should I just go straight to reporting this to the FDA? ![img](0ljguo6ltahe1 "Ninazol 200 mg Tablets")

Why do Ad Labs count as multiple caches?

So I completed my 1st Adventure Lab yesterday, and looking at my monthly stats, I noticed it had gone up by 12 instead of the 7 I had found this month. Counted my finds on my find list, that confirmed I only found 7. Then I remembered my AL I got. But that doesn't show up on my find list, yet shows up on my count total as not one cache but 5, 1 for each stage and another for completing it. Now I'm a bit OCD when it comes to start accuracy, but the way the Geocaching app handles AL's is just weird to me. Am I the only one?

I've been a homeowner for 4 years. These are the biggest things I wish somebody told me on day one.

**1.  Your home equity is a gold-mine. If you need cash, stop taking out high-interest loans.** So many people take out high-interest payday loans – please don’t do this. If you get into trouble you can typically get a relatively low-interest HELOC (a home equity line of credit). Essentially with a HELOC, you’re borrowing against the equity you have in your house and use it for whatever you need (much like a credit card). Typically, you’ll get lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms compared to traditional loans. Here’s a calculator you can use to see how much/little you could borrow ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=lt-home&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). Side note: if you hate debt, you can still get money out of your home’s equity by using something like [Hometap](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=hometap&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st), where you more or less sell investors a portion of your equity without a loan) **2. Switch auto insurance companies every 6-12 months.** If you haven’t compared auto insurance rates in the last 6 months, you’re probably overspending (on average by \~$400/year[¹](https://betterbuck.net/content/heres-how-much-youre-actually-overpaying-for-car-insurance/?subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1028-New-HELOC1st-Source)).  Example: I cut my car insurance bill by \~$1,300 this year by switching carriers (same exact coverage too) and it took me a whopping 5 minutes. Take two minutes and pull up a comparison site (I used [Coverage.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st), [Auto-Savings.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=otto&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) is fine too) and compare multiple offers from different companies in one go. Worst case scenario: you stay with what you’ve got. Best case scenario: you save a few hundred dollars a year.Here’s a link to a good comparison site:[ link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st). **3. Try and find the best price online.** Big stores like Amazon know that no one has time to price shop through dozens of sites, so there’s often no incentive for them to offer bargain prices. I typically hate browser extensions with a fiery passion, but Capital One Shopping has always worked well for me and I'd recommend trying it ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=capitalone2&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). When you shop online (on Amazon or elsewhere) it will automatically compare prices for you, and auto-apply coupon codes when possible. **4. Get yourself a dang advisor.** Most people are under the false impression that financial advisors are just for wealthy people. They absolutely aren’t: if you have a net worth of $100k+, you can typically qualify for an advisor. Having an advisor typically increases your yearly returns by 3%[¹](https://corporate.vanguard.com/content/dam/corp/articles/pdf/putting_value_on_your_value_quantifying_vanguard_advisors_alpha.pdf) (mostly due to smarter tax planning) If you don’t have an advisor in your family, use a site like [WiserAdvisor](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=wiser&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) or [Zoe Financial](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=zoe&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) to find somebody with good reviews in your area. **5. You don't have to pay off your debt by yourself.** Very few people know about it, but If you have $10k+ in debt, you can technically ask a debt relief to come in and take over the process for you.  It’ll typically save you 23% off your total debt, after fees (according to NDR, a big debt relief company).  They’ll negotiate with your creditors and try to get your debt reduced (then they take a cut of the savings). Typically people who are struggling with debt save 23% on avg. when they ask for help from debt relief companies. Here’s a little calculator you can use to see how much you’d potentially save: [link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=ndr2&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). **6. Save on home insurance.** Some homeowners save $1k+/year just by switching home insurance providers (typically saving them more than changing auto insurance policies). If it’s been over a year since you’ve reviewed your rates, it might be worth taking a few minutes to compare offers. Here’s a home insurance comparison site I’ve used: ([link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate-home&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)).

I've been a homeowner for 4 years. These are the biggest things I wish somebody told me on day one.

**1.  Your home equity is a gold-mine. If you need cash, stop taking out high-interest loans.** So many people take out high-interest payday loans – please don’t do this. If you get into trouble you can typically get a relatively low-interest HELOC (a home equity line of credit). Essentially with a HELOC, you’re borrowing against the equity you have in your house and use it for whatever you need (much like a credit card). Typically, you’ll get lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms compared to traditional loans. Here’s a calculator you can use to see how much/little you could borrow ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=lt-home&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). Side note: if you hate debt, you can still get money out of your home’s equity by using something like [Hometap](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=hometap&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st), where you more or less sell investors a portion of your equity without a loan) **2. Switch auto insurance companies every 6-12 months.** If you haven’t compared auto insurance rates in the last 6 months, you’re probably overspending (on average by \~$400/year[¹](https://betterbuck.net/content/heres-how-much-youre-actually-overpaying-for-car-insurance/?subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1028-New-HELOC1st-Source)).  Example: I cut my car insurance bill by \~$1,300 this year by switching carriers (same exact coverage too) and it took me a whopping 5 minutes. Take two minutes and pull up a comparison site (I used [Coverage.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st), [Auto-Savings.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=otto&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) is fine too) and compare multiple offers from different companies in one go. Worst case scenario: you stay with what you’ve got. Best case scenario: you save a few hundred dollars a year.Here’s a link to a good comparison site:[ link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st). **3. Try and find the best price online.** Big stores like Amazon know that no one has time to price shop through dozens of sites, so there’s often no incentive for them to offer bargain prices. I typically hate browser extensions with a fiery passion, but Capital One Shopping has always worked well for me and I'd recommend trying it ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=capitalone2&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). When you shop online (on Amazon or elsewhere) it will automatically compare prices for you, and auto-apply coupon codes when possible. **4. Get yourself a dang advisor.** Most people are under the false impression that financial advisors are just for wealthy people. They absolutely aren’t: if you have a net worth of $100k+, you can typically qualify for an advisor. Having an advisor typically increases your yearly returns by 3%[¹](https://corporate.vanguard.com/content/dam/corp/articles/pdf/putting_value_on_your_value_quantifying_vanguard_advisors_alpha.pdf) (mostly due to smarter tax planning) If you don’t have an advisor in your family, use a site like [WiserAdvisor](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=wiser&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) or [Zoe Financial](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=zoe&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st) to find somebody with good reviews in your area. **5. You don't have to pay off your debt by yourself.** Very few people know about it, but If you have $10k+ in debt, you can technically ask a debt relief to come in and take over the process for you.  It’ll typically save you 23% off your total debt, after fees (according to NDR, a big debt relief company).  They’ll negotiate with your creditors and try to get your debt reduced (then they take a cut of the savings). Typically people who are struggling with debt save 23% on avg. when they ask for help from debt relief companies. Here’s a little calculator you can use to see how much you’d potentially save: [link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=ndr2&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)). **6. Save on home insurance.** Some homeowners save $1k+/year just by switching home insurance providers (typically saving them more than changing auto insurance policies). If it’s been over a year since you’ve reviewed your rates, it might be worth taking a few minutes to compare offers. Here’s a home insurance comparison site I’ve used: ([link](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate-home&country=USA&subid=Red-Big-Mistakes-Homeowners-D2D-1029-Dekstop-HELOC1st)).

VPN / Apple TV

Hi, I am wondering how I may use a apple TV in China. If I stream from a device that is connected to a VPN (lets say a E-sim) would the content be able to stream on the device without VPN? Or does anyone have another work-around?

Black Madeira Fig ID?

Hello! I was browsing marketplace when I saw a listing for Black Madeira fig trees which are hard to come by in my area. Is there a reliable way to ID them based off of photos? The fruits in these appear a slightly darker shade of green than BM figs I saw online and I'm not sure about the leaf shapes. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

The Fantastic Four: First Steps | Official Teaser | Only in Theaters July 25


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